Tell your neighbors and friends! Polls count so please get every qualified voter you know to come out and vote for Robert Blair. Spread the word that Robert Blair is your candidate of choice, and that the primary election is upcoming on May 17th. Promotional Materials are available for download here. You can help the campaign directly by printing fliers to bring to local events and posting them in public places. Supporting the campaign monetarily allows us to do that in your stead. If you would like to help in other ways or have questions for Robert, get in touch using the form below to make contact with Robert Blair and talk to him directly.
Share this website online everywhere you reach your neighbors! Robert Blair has a Facebook page for discussions that you can share to your friends.
Download printables to take with you to your next event or get together. Spread the word by hanging these up where allowed, and by mailing them to your friends via postal service or email!
We love to hear from constituents on all fronts. If you have questions for Robert Blair please submit them below.
Feel free to also ask questions about the upcoming election campaign, inquiries for events, volunteering, or comments otherwise. Leave your information below with your question and it will be sent to Robert!
© 2022. Paid for Blair for Idaho, Rhonda Blair, Treasurer.
15401 Blair Hollow Lane, Kendrick, ID 83537.